Friday, September 13, 2013

Blame Someone Else

Did you know that today, September 13th is the first Friday the 13th of 2013? If you don’t like Friday the 13th you don’t need to worry because it only appears two times this year. It also happens in December, but that day is not as significant as today.

The first Friday the 13th of the year is Blame Someone Else day. Imagine a day when all your problems, errors, and mistakes can be piled on someone else? On this day you don't have to take responsibility or blame for any faux pas. On the downside, this day comes as a double-edged sword. While you are putting the blame elsewhere, someone might just be putting the blame on you!

When I considered the consequences of assigning all the blame to someone else and possibly have it boomerang back to me tomorrow or in the future, I chose not to take part in it. Instead, I turned this day on it’s ear—instead of blaming someone else for something, I gave something to someone, who in turn gave me something, that they gave away.

You may be thoroughly confused, but I will explain how it happened. My mother was picking up a delivery item at a large box store. The warehouse employee told her he would wait with her, and the newly purchased items, for the delivery person to arrive. While waiting she overheard a conversation that the warehouse employee was having with other employees. When they asked him if he could go out with them he said, “No, I don’t have the money.”

Mom glanced at his required footwear—shabby boots, with holes in the leather and the soles falling off. She asked him about his footwear that was falling apart. He told her that he didn’t have the money to purchase a new pair.

My mother wanted to do something for me since I have been helping her navigate the myriad of paperwork after my father passed away.  She reached in her purse and gave him money to buy new boots. His eyes welled up as he thanked her.

Today’s gift was a pay-it-forward gift that my mother gave on my behalf. I got tears in my eyes when she told me how she had helped someone else in my honor. As much fun as it sounded to participate in Blame Someone Else day, it felt much better to experience a gift paid forward.

In Giving,


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