Monday, February 17, 2014

Stop the Madness—Unsubscribe Me

Recently I unsubscribed to a 600-page catalog. However, in my mailbox there is a lot more unsolicited snail mail that is a nuisance. Here’s a smattering of unwanted mail that I’ve received recently:
  • “You have been approved for a new platinum credit card.” Yes, it will cost me an annual fee, but they think I want to give them my money so that I can have the opportunity to spend more. That seems a little ironic.
  • “Give to our charity.” Even though it is one that I have never given to before and don’t have an interest in. The contents of the envelope indicates, “Do so just because we asked.” 
  • Local grocery store ads that I already receive in the newspaper; I don’t need another set of in my mailbox.
  • Catalogs from companies because someone sent me a gift from them five years ago and they put me on their mailing list.
  • Alumni information for someone I don’t know—in triplicate.
  • Anything with a bulk-mailing stamp is usually trying to sell me a satellite dish or some other unwanted product.
  • An announcement from a previous place of employment to tell me about an event that I have no interest in attending or even knowing about. 

Today’s gift to the environment was to stop the madness of wasting natural resources, especially for mail that tout products that I don’t want. You can do it, too. Go to and click on the tabs that say “remove me from unsolicited catalogs, magazines and nonprofit mailings.” You can choose individually if there are some that you would like to continue to receive.

In Giving and Saving,


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