Saturday, April 26, 2014

Getting What You Paid For

Recently a friend posted on Facebook, “I injured my shoulder today. It hurts when I raise my arm. Does anyone have an idea what may be wrong?” Typically, people love challenging questions on Facebook. This was no exception. Sympathetic responses with armchair diagnoses like, a torn rotator cuff or a dislocated shoulder. The response that stopped the banter, “Your mother is a nurse and your brothers are both doctors. Why would you ask for advice on Facebook instead of just asking one of them?”

I was reminded of this today. My friend called and said that her finger was numb. I asked. “Which finger?” She said her middle one. I responded, “Could it be overuse?” She didn’t think that was very funny. She wondered if it might be a heart attack. I asked if she was having any pain, numbness or weakness on her left side. She said, “No, just a numb finger that is pale and white.” I said that it could be a pinched nerve in her back. She said maybe so, since she has slight spinal degeneration. She also had frostbite on her fingers many years ago, which may be the culprit.

Today’s gift was to give my friend medical advice. I told her to have another glass of wine and call me in the morning if it was still numb. If you want free medical advice, give me a call. Just understand that I am not a doctor and don’t even play one on television, so the advice might be worth what you paid for it.

In Giving,

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