Sunday, June 15, 2014

How to be a Rock Star Astronaut

Top 10 things said by children at vacation bible school:
10. “I am going to rinse this off with my tongue.”
9. “Why do people use blue and yellow [paint] to make green? Why don’t they just use green paint?”
8. “If I was a shepherd I would use a sheep as a pillow.”
7. “We’re having a wedding. Sam, you can be the ring master.”
6. “Thank You, God, for polar bears. The Coca-Cola kind.”
5. “He’s my best friend. I’ve known him for years.” (5-year-old speaking)
4. “I’m going to be a rock star astronaut when I grow up!”
3. “Don’t press down the [paint] brush too hard or you’ll give it a bad hair day.”
2. Teacher: “Is it hard to get along and be kind to your brother and sisters all the time?”
Kid: “Yeah, because sometimes my brother is evil.”
1. “Dear God, thank You for all the animals that are boys, have horns, and that are dangerous! Amen.”
Reprinted from

Today’s gift was a donation to the Wilderness Escape Vacation Bible School at the First Presbyterian Church in Klamath Falls. The kids will spend time pretending to live like Moses on a journey through the wilderness. They will also learn what it was like to live in an Israelite camp. Who knows maybe one of them will grow up to be a rock star astronaut.

In Giving,

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