Monday, September 16, 2013

Cause to Paws

We once had a dog named Duke; he was a Shar Pei.
He had a tendency to disobey.
Duke was almost too smart
He loved being with us and not apart.

He wore a sweater in the winter cold
And boots on his tender paws were bold.
He loved ice cream, puppy kindergarten and going for a walk.
He didn’t like cats and would whimper, yank on his leash and gawk.

When he heard the mailman, he would grab the mail as it came through the slot in the door
Just minutes before he would have been laying on his side in a deep snore.
We called him Houdini as a nickname
Because he could sneak out of any fence, yard and any obstacle he overcame.

Many days we would come home from work to see him lounging by our front door.
He was exhausted from running around the neighborhood, he had been on a mission to explore.
One day we had an intervention
We left the house and returned home shortly, to catch him in the act of intention.

When he got old and couldn’t run alongside our bikes
He rode in a kiddie carrier attached to Tim’s bike, which he did like.
We loved our best friend
And hope to one day get a new dog, is what we intend.

We went to a movie last night
Someone had left their dog in the car, which wasn’t right.
The temperature was well above 80 degrees
In the hot sun, with no breeze.

I reported it to the movie theater personnel that I was concerned about the dog’s well being.
They jumped over the counter and ran outside and were agreeing
That it was much too hot
And they’d find the owner on the spot.

Today’s gift was to give a dog relief.
I hope the owner learned a valuable lesson and was given grief
For almost causing pain
To an innocent dog, by being inhumane.

In Giving to humans and animals alike,


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