Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Did You Sign this Petition?

Spring Ahead, Blah Blah
What it's about: Abolish Daylight Savings time

Why we need it: "Think about the sleep-impaired driver coming towards you...Or the co-worker responsible for your safety, suffering from the brain fog that plagues so many..." Or, you know, the extra episode of Mad Men you could watch before bed.
Number of signatures received: 1,575 and needed 98,390
Open Jurassic National Park
What it's about: A safe, tourist-friendly habitat for reanimated dinosaurs.

Why we need it: "Nothing could go wrong. No unforeseen consequences. Just educational fun for the Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex, and small tourist children."
Number of signatures received: 
1,424 but needed 98,564
Make Every Neighborhood Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
What it's about: Immortalize Fred McFeely "Mr." Rogers with a holiday on his birthday, March 20th.

Why we need it: He is every 40 something’s favorite “cardigan wearer.”
Number of signatures received: 3,907, but needed 95,974
These were real “We The People” Petitions that actually got signatures. We The People” is Whitehouse.gov's official online petition service. It is America's new home for one-click democracy, where the Obama administration responds to petitions on topics like Postal Service reform.

Although I wasn’t asked to sign any of these petitions, I signed one for today’s gift. It would establish hiring a county administrator and reducing county commissioner positions to part-time, which would save the county a substantial amount of money. If enough signatures are collected, it will be on the May ballot for a vote. Signing this petition will do good things for Klamath County.

In Giving,


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